Christmas at Fon du Bourg

Well, our first Christmas at Fon du Bourg has come and (almost) gone.
We had fifteen around the table on Christmas day and then seventeen on Boxing Day which just happens to be my three year old great nephew's birthday.
Lost of presents, lots of mayhem and lots of fun.
The grandads seemed to really like the Meccano and electric train set whilst the grandmas enjoyed cooing over the children.
Overall, though, it was great to see Fon du Bourg full of life and laughter - the Maison Principale was full and so was the four bedroomed farmhouse.
We played Christmas music and games - all fabulous.
But what was really fabulous was that we were able to have our aperitifs on the terrasse - it was warm and pleasant.
So, now Christmas has passed and we're nearly at 2023 it's time to start thinking about the season to come. We have the Pidge rented out for three months starting from 2nd January so please do check out our diary when you get a minute to malke sure the dates you want are free.
Another blog coming soon when I get chance to take breath!