That was Unexpected

Logically I should have realised that it might get cold - even this far south.
After all, were inland (I've always lived next to the sea which moderates the temperature) so are subject to continental weather and we're pretty close to the Pyrenees.
But somehow I didn't expect to wake up last Thursday and the landscape to be bright white and covered in snow.
Truth to tell it wasn't that much of a covering - only about an inch or so and not like some of the dumping of snow we used to get in Edinburgh. Remember the Beast from the East?
Anyway, a week on and we've had no more snow and it's been dry. But it's still cold; everybody who's lived here for a while say it's not the coldest it's been but it's a little bit unusual to have such a prolonged period where the temperature hovers around the freezing mark.
To me, it's just really nice - I like the changing of the seasons and actually I was really lucky with the weather in 2022 - it was the summer that just kept on giving. I was lucky enough to walk the St Francis way in Italy in June - it was hot, hot, hot. July 4th Richard and I moved to France and, yes, it was hot, hot, hot.
In fact, we had lunch at a restaurant late November - we sat outside in shorts and T-shirts.
So, I'm happy for it to be cold right now. And it's not cold like it used to be in Edinburgh - that sort of claggy, cloying type of cold that seeps into your bones and you only really thaw out in May (as my Mum used to say 'Ne'er shed a cloot until May is oot'. Roughly translated: don't put away your winter clothes until 1st June otherwise you may get cold).
As an aside Richard and I did have an idea for a business venture - I would record Scottish phrases and he with his (slightly ridiculous) English accent would translate... so, something like: Me: Yer a daft wee besom. Richard: you are a girl with questionable morals and intelligence. Funnily enough we never made anything of it!
Anyway - back to the weather. Yes, it's been cold but it's been dry and with no wind. When the sun comes out it's clear and crisp and beautiful and with the added advantage that the light is so good that we're being treated to some fantastic sunsets.
Having said all that, I do like the changing seasons so I'll not complain when spring hits us, which people tell me, should be sometime in the middle of February.