Welcome Back!

well, now - hello again!
I know it's been a while - all of a sudden the second half od 2023 became really busy. July arrived in a flash, August whirled by, then it was September... we had a little holiday in October which meant November was busy and then it was Christmas!
And that's how time seems to fly here at Fon du Bourg; there's always lots to do and things to be done. But, new year/new me and I'm back in the saddle, in terms of blogs at least.
So, some highlights from the second half of 2023.
First off we had lots of friends and family visit which was great. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves: often we stayed around the place. After all, with the gardens, swimming pools and general ambiance it's really easy to do!
However, one visit to Monpazier - a Bastide town about 30kms from here - sticks in my mind. We took Richard's Aunt and Uncle on a Sunday lunchtime. It was a really hot day and after wandering around the shops in the square a beer was in order. So we went along to the Bierre de Bastide.
The Bierre de Bastide is a brewery set in an old garage but now serving drinks and food. They put on music pretty regularly but always at lunchtime on a Sunday. This week it was a duo playing what they descibed as 'Celtic Fusion Folk Music'. The two guys were undoubtedly talented - I counted one guy was playing ten instruments, quite often at the same time!
But the thing that stuck in my mind was that they were dressed as... goblins, with full goblin masks which they never took off!
I mean, why wouldn't you? Well apart from the 35 degree plus heat...
The Gourmandes Nocturne spring to mind, too. I've written about them in the past.
My favourite of the year was in a little village called Lauzun, about 7kms from here. It was late in the season towards the end of August. It was a warm, balmy night, overcast with the threat of thunder that never came. We had our meal - Thai food I seem to remember - and then the entertainment started. It was one lady singing all the party hits - disco, ABBA, dance... everything you could move your feet to.
And we danced the night away in the warm air with locals and holiday makers alike. Everyone was just enjoying the atmosphere; children were playing, the grown ups were dancing and drinking wine... it was a moment that will stay with me forever!
There was so much that happened through the year (my great-Nephew and Niece's Christening, the New Year's Eve Party, upholstering my first piece of furniture, driving the ride-on mower for the first time) that I could keep writing forever... but I won't. I just want to mention one more thing: Christmas.
We had my family and Richard's parents here last year - but it felt like it was a practice run. This year we went large: Christmas Trees, decorations, Christmas Wishes for everyone, Champagne on the terrasse. It was a magical few days with everyone here.
So why have a chosen these three things to mention? Well, for me, each one of them was a 'pinch me' moment. 'You'll just have to pinch me becasue otherwise I won't believe I'm here'. Each one was a point in time when I thought to myself, 'what did I do in my life that brought me to this perfect moment?'
It's a question that can't be answered - but I hope I get the chance to ask it again and again throughout 2024...
After all, that's what Fon du Bourg does to you!