What a Pantomime

As you know if you have ready any of my other blogs - Richard and I only moved to Douzains at the very end of August and bought Fon du Bourg on 11th October.
So, we've only really had an Autumn and half a winter here.
One of the things I was... concerned... about when we moved here was if there was going to be anything going on during the winter. Especially moving from Edinburgh which is always jumping and running my accountancy practice which was always manic in December and January.
I needn't have worried.
Having thought I would be slowing down a bit - I am busier than ever. After Christmas and New year Richard and I have started working on the Fon du Bourg gardens, planting and tidying and doing a bit of decorating in the gites to make sure they are still fresh. Then there are the french lessons, and Richard played his first game of football on Wednesday night for about fifteen years. He enjoyed every minute but is still aching two days later!
Next week, though, I am going to be busier than ever.
Richard and I have joined the volunteer Front of House team for a local amateur (but actually very professional) production of Cinderalla. We are 'on the bar'!
It's been an entertaining couple of weeks - we've had meetings about what drinks we'll be serving and everything. I didn't mention that I spent a fair amount of time behind bars (if you see what I mean) in my youth. Anyway, red wine, white wine, water and orange juice shouldn't prove to be much of a challenge... at least I hope not!
From what I've seen of rehearsals the panto is brilliant - full of everything you'd expect for a really entertaining night. The only problem is that we'll be too busy washing up and preparing interval drinks to see the show.
One thing I've learned about living here is that there's always somewhere to go and something to do. Whether that's a visit to the panto in January or a summer evening market...
With performances Thursday, Friday and Saturday night and a matinee on Saturday we have a busy week coming up so I'd better get back to my winter tidy up.
I've put up a couple of pictures of tonight's sunset on FaceBook.
Since we arrived in teh Autumn we've had so many spectacular sunset displays that I sometimes have to remind myself to stop and just look; I've done that today!
Looking forward to reading about your exploits, and visiting soon.
Karen Kenny